For designers, publishers, educators, and researchers in need of dynamic science stock photography, Fundamental Photographs is a custom photo studio that provides extraordinary visual solutions for difficult chemistry and physics concepts. We distinguish our work by transforming hard to find science specs into breathtaking image solutions, delivering outstanding work in limited time.
Fundamental Photographs, founded in 1965 by George Resch, is a specialized photo studio, science stock photo library, and an association of a few impassioned photographers. Our goal is to make science photographs that are as vivid and elegant as modern research and the nature of photography permit.
Fundamental Photographs has the background and expertise to transform difficult science specs into visually exciting illustrations. Contact us at: mail@fphoto.com General Stock
Our science photo studio is equipped to shoot beautifully engaging images of lab experiments and scientific phenomena. Our bestselling images include kinetic subjects: from explosive chemical reactions, to water drops and ripple patterns to toppling dominoes and bouncing balls. Our science image library contains conceptual photographs of organic and inorganic chemistry, general physics, mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism, electronics and earth science. Specialties
Custom photographs are shot in the studio and on location for science textbooks and corporate clients. Our problem-solving photographers use specialized techniques including stroboscopic sequences, motion blurs, stop motion images, and other special effects.
Our science photo library collection includes over 60,000+ digital images. We continually add to our growing number of images, shooting specific requests and acquiring new images from our represented photographers. Our specialities include science, chemistry, physics, biology, insects, geology, wildlife, wildflowers, gross anatomy and microbiology photos.
Clients include major U.S. and international textbook companies including the Pearson companies (preferred vendor), Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, W.H. Freeman, Spektrum, Harcourt, Holt Rinehart, Houghton Mifflin, IT Thompson, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, Nelson Canada, and John Wiley. Magazines include Scientific American, Discover, Audubon, We Magazine and U.S. News and World Report. Corporate clients include Apple Computer, Barret Design, Corel Corp., March First, Lally McFarland, Creative Communications Network and United Media.